1. The story opens with a clock announcing that It is time to wake up and a hint of premonition that perhaps no one will. In the kitchen, the stove cooks breakfast and a voice from the ceiling announces the setting: Allendale, California, on August 4, 2026.
The automated house prepares Itself for the day, but its inhabitants have not responded to several wake up calls, breakfast, the weather box, or the waiting car. The robotic mice finish cleaning the house, and it is revealed that the family who lived in the house-two parents, a daughter and son-have died. They are now "five spots of paint" against a house covered with a "thin charcoal layer." The city is in rubble and the "radioactive glow" emitted in the area indicates that an atomic blast has wiped out Allendale, if not the world.
2. The main event is when the city is described as completely destroyed and giving off a “radioactive
glow which could be seen for miles”.
3. Third Person Omniscent.
4. Fast-paced.
5. The dog whimpering and eventually dying, the nursery getting ready for the
children but eventually dissolving, to the bath filling up with water and an
automated poem-reader
6. It is intellectual. It can't be solved. Because it is showing dagerous of using technology. The conflict was how the house eventually destroyed itself. The main conflict is more subtle and complex.
7. The climax is when it was described that there were “five spots of paint – the man, the woman,
the children, the ball – remained. The rest was a thin charcoal layer.”
8. The story is unity. It shows dangerous of technology of future. It leads naturally to the next.
9. The story is complicate. It shows the future of our lives. Everyone is using technology with everything they do.
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